Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Health Care Reform

Check out this article first: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0509/22155.html

Alright . . . I find Republicans to be completely baffling, but here we go again. I have three simple things to say to/about Luntz's strategy:

1. There, for many Americans, is no doctor/patient relationship to interfere with. No insurance, no doctor. His political approach does not discuss this simple reality. We're talking about a health care crisis in large part because so many people are uninsured. They make too much money for Medicare and too little to afford their own individual/family plans. How would this fix that problem?!

2. The government rations health care in some societies. The MARKET rations health care here. This is why so many people are uninsured. You can't afford it, you don't get it, and so millions of Americans have no health insurance. This also means that so many Americans don't have a doctor/patient relationship to have the government interfere with. Catch my drift - see point 1.

3. The GOP is trying to look new. But they have the same old ridiculous positions that are not in anyway connected with the reality of peoples' lives. Same dog food, different day. They have more than a branding problem. Their anti-intellectual bias means they're devoid of ideas.

'Nuff said!

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