Friday, January 23, 2009

Inauguration - Underreported

I was fortunate enough to drag my son and partner to Washington, D.C. to witness the inauguration of Barack Obama. I must say that I still have to pinch myself when I hear President Obama. I still have to wonder why he wanted this job at this time. I must admit that I can't think of a single other person who would be better at this job at this time.

However, I do want to clarify a couple of things that seem to have been underreported in the press. The first was the ENORMOUS number of Black people who attended the inauguration. We know that Washington, D.C. has the reputation of being Chocolate City because of its large Black population (and I certainly was one of them for many years). However, outside of being in Jamaica, I have to say that in the United States, I have NEVER seen so many Black people in one place in my life. Really. There were definitely people of other races, but overwhelmingly, the crowd was Black.

Secondly, the crowd booed, very loudly to boot, whenever the images of either of the former Bush presidents and Dick Cheney appeared on the jumbotron. There is no doubt that many American people were ready for the Bush era to end. It wasn't a mere rumble. It was loud and clear.

Finally, I LOVED Aretha Franklin's hat. It rocked! And with that, know that I'm still smoking on the bong of hope!

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