Wednesday, November 5, 2008

And what of the Republicans?

First, do read this editorial from today's Washington Post.

I find the need for Republicans to move back to a particular knee jerk orthodoxy about lower taxes, free markets, and smaller government to be utterly absurd in this particular climate. In a time where people are losing their jobs, where government has failed to protect them against the problems of the free market, and where we will actually have to spend money to dig us out of our domestic and international crises, why resort to such inflexible orthodoxes?

I've always been a fan of Keynesian economics, using the government to provide a safety net, etc. for its citizens. But if we recall correctly, it was FDR who spent to get this country out of the Great Depression. Social Security was started so that the old and disabled could have income and participate in the marketplace. He spent money he didn't have to create jobs so that people could rebuild this country, literally through public works, and create a tax stream so that the government could do more for the people.

How will tax cuts, less oversight of many industries, and a failure to support new industries (i.e. green industries) actually be helpful to getting the United States in better shape, particularly while we are at war with two countries? Is the Republican party that out of touch? It seems that a majority of the American electorate has, for now, rejected these sorts of solutions for our nation's ills and if promoting these ideas is the only way that the Republicans can see their way out, may they stay in the wilderness for good.

I do agree with them about one thing, particularly as of last night: I LOVE THIS COUNTRY!